
All calculators, spot in a single place!!

CalcDiverse is a customized collection of calculators for various aspects of mathematics. Individuals with basic web development knowledge can create distinctive calculators and submit pull requests.

2D Distance Calculator

Calculates the distance between two points on a 2D plane.

2D Shapes Calculator

Calculates the area and perimeter of different useful 2D shapes.

3D Distance Calculator

Calculates the distance between 2 points in a 3D space.

3D Shapes Calculator

Calculates the volume and surface area of different important and useful 3D shapes.

4 Band Resistance Calculator

Calculate the theoretical resistance of a 4-band resistor.

5 Band Resistance Calculator

Calculate the theoretical resistance of a 5-band resistor.

ASCII Value Calculator

Calculates the ASCII value of any character.

Abundant Number Calculator

Checks for a number to be abundant or not.

Age Calculator

Calculates the person's age by taking in the date of birth as input.

Air Quality Index Calculator

Calculates the level of the air quality using AQI index as input.

Amortization Calculator

Calculates the monthly payments and generates an Amortization schedule for loans.

Anagram Calculator

Calculator which checks whether the two words are Anagram or not.

Antilog Calculator

Calculates the antilog of the any given number taken over any base.

Arithmetic Geometric Progression Calculator

Calculates nth Term and sum of n Terms of the Arithmetic Geometric Sequence.

Arithmetic Progression Calculator

Calculates nth Term and sum of n Terms present in an Arithmetic Sequence.

Armstrong Number Calculator

Computes all the Armstrong Numbers for the specified Number of digits.

Arrhenius Equation Calculator

Calculates important parameters of chemical kinetics.

Aspect Ratio Calculator

Calculates the aspect ratio of the specified height and width.

Astrological Age Calculator

Calculates the age on different planets as selected by the user.

Automorphic Number Calculator

Checks if a number is an automorphic number or not.

Averages Calculator

Calculates the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means.

BMI Calculator

Calculates the Body Mass Index of a person using Height & Weight.

BMR Calculator

Calculates the Basal Metabolic Rate of a person using height, weight & age.

Banker's Algorithm Calculator

Calculate the safety sequence for resource allocation.

Base Change Calculator

Converts a number between different bases.

Basic Calculator

Basic old school calculator for simple calculations

Battery Life Calculator

Estimates battery life based on capacity and average load current.

Bayes Theorem Calculator

Calculates the probability of an event A given that event B has occurred.

Bill Split Calculator

Effortlessly split bills with our calculator. Simplify expense sharing now!

Binary Calculator

Calculates results of different binary operations based on inputs.

Binomial Distribution Calculator

Calculates the value of the probability mass function and probability distribution function.

Bitwise Calculator

Calculates results of different bitwise operations based on inputs.

Black Hole Number Calculator

Given any number, it reaches to Four.

Blood Pressure Calculator

Calculates the blood pressure based on the systolic and diastolic values.

Body Fat Percentage Calculator

Calculates the body fat percentage of a person using neck, waist, weight & height.

Book Reading Time Calculator

Calculates the time required to finish reading a book.

Bouncy Number Calculator

Check the number is bouncy or not and finds bouncy numbers in a range.

Buzz Number Calculator

Checks for a number to be a buzz number or not.

CGPA Percentage Calculator

Converts CGPA to percentage and vice-versa.

CGS FPS MKS Calculator

Calculator that converts inputs between CGS, FPS, and MKS unit systems for various physical quantities.

CPU Scheduling Calculator

Calculates the wait time and turnaround time for various CPU scheduling algorithms.

CSS Unit Calculator

Converts various css units.

Calorie Burnt Calculator

Calculates the amount of calories burnt from particular exercise.

Calorie Consumed Calculator

Calculates daily calorie consumed based on given inputs.

Calorie Intake Calculator

Calculates daily calorie intake based on given inputs.

Capacitor Conversion Calculator

Converts capacitor values between different units.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Calculates an individual's carbon footprint based on some input parameters.

Centripetal Force Calculator

Calculates Centripetal force and acceleration.

Circular Prime Calculator

Checks if a number is circular prime and finds circular prime numbers in a range.

Clock Hands Angle Calculator

Calculates the angle between the hour and minute hands for a specified time.

Clothing Size Calculator

Inter-converts clothing sizes from one country to another, the international size, and the exact measurements for each size.

Color Code Calculator

Interconverts color codes among RGB, RGBA, HEX (Hexadecimal), HSL, HSV and CMYK

Complement Calculator

Calculates the nth complement of a given number in a specified base.

Complex Number Calculator

Performs mathematical operations on complex numbers.

Compound Interest Calculator

Takes Principal amount, time in years, interest rate and Gives compound interest

Conductivity And Resistivity Calculator

Calculates the Conductivity & Resistivity.

Credit Card Payoff Calculator

Calculates the time in which you can payoff your Credits.

Cricket Calculator

Calculates various cricket related terms.

Cross Product Calculator

Calculates the cross-product of two 3D vectors and finds the angle between them.

Cuban Prime Calculator

Checks if a number is cuban prime or not and finds cuban prime numbers in a range.

Cube Root Calculator

Calculates cube root of any number.

Cubic Equation Calculator

solves cubic equations, providing real or complex solutions

Currency Calculator

Converts the value of one Currency unit into another Currency unit.

Curve Fitting Calculator

Plots the curve fitting for linear, quadratic, cubic, and exponential curves.

Cut Off Calculator

Calculates the Engineering / Medical cutoff for students.

DTI Ratio Calculator

Calculates your debt-to-income ratio, to help in managing your financial health.

Data Size Calculator

Converts input data size to other data sizes instantly.

Date Time Calculator

Calculates Date & Time of the specific period.

Day From The Date Calculator

Calculates the day for the specified date.

Days Until Deadline Calculator

Calculates the number of days remaining until a selected date.

Definite Integral Calculator

Evaluates integral of mathematical functions with definite limits.

Degree Radian Calculator

Converts the Degree into Radian and vice-versa.

Depth Of Field Calculator

Calculator that helps photographers determine the depth of field based on some factors.

Differential Calculator

Evaluates derivatives and mathematical functions.

Digital Detox Calculator

Calculates the amount of time we spend on digital devices and suggests a plan for a balanced digital detox.

Disarium Number Calculator

Checks the number is disarium or not and finds disarium numbers in a range.

Discount Calculator

Unlock Savings with Precision: Your Ultimate Discount Calculator.

Dividend Yield Calculator

Calculates the dividend yield percentage based on the current market price.

Dora Calculator

Calculates the distance whether Dora can view the object.

Download Time Calculator

Calculates the required time for downloading as per different system configurations.

EMI Calculator

Calculates The EMI based on loan amount, interest rate and tenure.

Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors Calculator

Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix for various applications.

Electric Power Calculator

Calculates electric power based on user-supplied voltage in Volts and current in Ampere.

Electricity Bill Calculator

Calculates electricity costs based on user-supplied units, time, and cost parameters.

Ellipse And Hyperbola Calculator

Calculates Area and Perimeter for Ellipse and Hyperbola.

Entropy Calculator

Calculates the entropy from probabilities.

Environmental Calculator

Estimates the annual energy and water consumption.

Equivalent Resistance Calculator

Calculates the Equivalent Resistance of the Series and Parallel Configuration.

Euclidean Algorithm Calculator

Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and the Least Common Multiple (LCM).

Expenditure And Savings Calculator

Calculates the Savings from your income and expenditure.

Exponent Calculator

Takes two numbers X and Y and then calculate XY.

Factorial Calculator

Calculates the factorial of any large number instantly.

Fascinating Number Calculator

Checks if a given number is fascinating or not.

Fibonacci Calculator

Calculates the Nth number from Fibonacci Sequence.

Frames Timecode Calculator

Converts frames to timecode and vice versa in a recorded video.

Free Fall Calculator

Calculates the time and final velocity of object in free fall.

Freelance Rate Calculator

Calculator to help freelancers determine optimal hourly or project rates based on various factors.

Fuel Cost Calculator

Calculates the cost of fuel based on fuel efficiency and distance travelled.

Fuel Efficiency Calculator

Calculates the efficiency of a vehicle.

GCD Calculator

Calculates Greatest Common Divisor of Two values or multiple values.

GDP Calculator

Calculates the gross domestic product using the expenditure approach.

GPA Calculator

Calculates SGPA and CGPA on the basis of credits and grades.

GST Calculator

Calculates the Goods and Service tax of any product in rupees and dollars.

Gamified Calculator

Calculator that turns math problems into a game.

General Root Calculator

Calculates the nth root of a given number upto n precision.

Geodesic Distance Calculator

Calculate the geodesic distance between two points on an ellipsoid.

Geometric Progression Calculator

Calculates nth Term and sum of n Terms present in an Geometric Sequence.

Grade Calculator

Calculates the grade based on marks entered.

Graphing Calculator

Calculator which includes a graphical display to visualize functions.

Gravitational Force Calculator

Calculates the Gravitational Force between two masses.

Happy Number Calculator

Check if a number is Happy or not and finds happy number in a range.

Harmonic Progression Calculator

Calculates the nth term of Harmonic Progression series.

Health Risk Assessment Calculator

Calculates the health risk level as per predefined criteria.

Heart Rate Calculator

Calculates the heart rate monitors.

Heat Index Calculator

Calculates the heat index based on the temperature and humidity values.

Height Calculator

Converts the height between various units.

Hexadecimal Calculator

Performs arithmetic operations on hexadecimal numbers.

Home Renovation Budget Calculator

Calculates total budget for home renovation.

Home Security Cost Calculator

Calculates the cost of your home security.

Horsepower Calculator

Calculates the horsepower using force and velocity.

Ideal Gas Law Calculator

Calculates pressure, volume, temperature, and moles based on other inputs.

Income Tax Calculator

Calculates tax liability based on user input annual income.

Infix Prefix Postfix Calculator

Converts between infix, prefix and postfix expressions.

Inflation Calculator

Provides the graphical representation and expected inflation of money.

Intelligence Calculator

Shows the intelligence using his/her IQ.

Inverse Function Calculator

Calculates the inverse of a provided function.

Investment Risk Tolerance Calculator

Calculates the risk in Investment on the basis of some input parameters.

Kaprekar Number Calculator

Checks whether the number is Kaprekar Number or not.

LCM Calculator

Calculates LCM of multiple numbers.

Leap Year Calculator

Checks whether the entered year is a leap year or not.

Least Squares Regression Calculator

Fits a linear model to data points, providing regression statistics and visual analysis.

Length Calculator

Calculates the length conversion between two specified units.

Life Insurance Needs Calculator

Calculates the amount we need in Life Insurance.

Linear Equation Calculator

Calculates values of variables from linear equation in two variables.

Loan Amount Calculator

Calculator that calculates the amount of money to pay as compound interest.

Loan Repayment Date Calculator

Calculates the due date of the ongoing loan.

Logarithm Calculator

Calculates the log of the given number to any base.

Love Calculator

Calculates a percentage score of love compatibility based on names or birthdates (mostly for fun).

Magic Number Calculator

Calculates if a number is a magic number and finds all magic numbers within a given range.

Marks Percentage Calculator

Calculate the percentage of total marks from all subjects.

Mass Calculator

Calculates the Mass conversion between two specified units.

Matrix Calculator

Your key to matrix operations!

Midpoint Calculator

Calculates the midpoint of the x-axis and y-axis.

Military Time Calculator

Converts between standard 12-hour time format and military 24-hour time format.

Molecular Weight Calculator

Computes the total atomic weights of elements in a given chemical formula.

Momentum Calculator

Calculates the momentum of the body using its mass and velocity.

Mortgage Refinance Calculator

It allows users to compare old and new loan terms by inputting relevant information.

Multiplication Table Calculator

Calculates the multiplication table of any number.

NPV Calculator

Calculates the Net Present Value based on initial investment, the discount rate, and the yearly cash flows.

Neon Number Calculator

Checks the number is neon or not and finds neon numbers in a range.

Net Salary Calculator

Calculates the actual take-home pay from your Cost to Company (CTC).

Net Worth Calculator

Calculates the net worth by taking our assets and liabilities.

Next Birthday Calculator

Calculates the days remaining until the next birthday.

Niven Number Calculator

Checks whether the given number is niven or not.

Number Of Days Calculator

Calculates the number of days between two specified dates.

Number System Calculator

Converts binary to decimal, octal, hexadecimal and vice versa.

Nutrition Calculator

Calculates the total nutrition values based on user inputs.

Ohms Law Calculator

Calculates voltage, current, resistance, and power in watts for an electrical circuit.

Paint Calculator

Calculates how much paint is required to paint given area.

Palindrome Calculator

Checks if an entered number or string is Palindrome or not.

Password Strength Calculator

Calculates the strength of the Password.

Percentage Calculator

Calculates the value percentage of any given number.

Percentage Fraction Calculator

Converts given Percentage to Fraction and vice-versa with detailed solution.

Perfect Number Calculator

Check for a number to be perfect or not.

Periodic Table Calculator

Provides detailed information about elements in the periodic table.

Permutation Combination Calculator

Calculates nPr and nCr after taking inputs as n and r.

Pet Age Calculator

Calculates a pet's age in human years.

Planetary Motion Calculator

Calculates various parameters of planetary motion using Kepler's laws.

Plant Growth Calculator

Calculates the average growth rate for your plants based on various parameters.

Plant Watering Calculator

Calculates the amount of water needed for your plants based on the plant type, size, soil type, and sunlight exposure.

Polynomial Roots Calculator

Calculates the real and imaginary roots of a given polynomial up to degree 2-4.

Population Density Calculator

Calculates the density of the population in a specific area.

Power Calculator

Calculates power between different units.

Prayer Time Calculator

Calculates the prayer time based on the location.

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Designed to estimate the due date for a pregnant woman based on the first day of her last menstrual period.

Pressure Calculator

Calculates the Pressure conversion between two specified units.

Prime Factorization Calculator

Calculates the prime factors of the given number.

Probability Calculator

Calculates the Probability of different events.

Profit Loss Calculator

Calculates the profit or loss in a click.

Projectile Motion Calculator

Calculates Max Height, Range, Time Of Flight of Projectile.

Pronic Number Calculator

Checks if a number is pronic and finds pronic numbers in a range.

Proportionality Calculator

Input three values to compute the fourth, showcasing proportionality..

Pythagorean Theorem Calculator

Which takes two sides of right-angled triangle and gives third side.

QR Code Generator Calculator

Generates the QR Code according to the given input.

Quadratic Equation Calculator

Calculates the roots of a quadratic equation.

Quotient And Remainder Calculator

Calculates the Quotient and Remainder.

ROI Calculator

Calculates the return on investment for your invested amount.

RPN Calculator

Reverse Polish Notation calculator which represents expressions by placeing the operator after the operands.

Random Letter Calculator

Generates randomized English alphabets used in brain teaser activities.

Random Number Calculator

Generates a random number between 1 and 100.

Random Word Calculator

Generates random words based on a specified starting letter and the desired number of words.

Ratio Calculator

Which takes two numbers X and Y and then calculate X / Y.

Real Estate Calculator

This tool allows users to input property details and obtain essential information for financial planning.

Recipe Cost Calculator

This tool enables users to input ingredients and quantities to calculate the total cost of a recipe.

Rectangular Polar Calculator

Converts Rectangular form into Polar form and vice versa.

Rent Calculator

Calculates the overall budget for a rental payment.

Retirement Calculator

Predicts the user retirement savings growth.

Roman Numeral Calculator

Converts Roman Numeral form into Decimal form.

Running Pace Calculator

Calculate the running Pace/Time/Distance in your desired units.

Salary Estimation Calculator

Estimates the expected salary based on some parameters.

Salary To Hourly Calculator

Calculates salary across across various timeframes simultaneously.

Savings Calculator

Calculates the total amount we can save over a specified period by making monthly deposits at a fixed interest rate.

Sentence Counter Calculator

Counts the number of sentences in a given text.

Shoe Size Calculator

Calculator that helps to find the perfect shoe size.

Short URL Calculator

Calculates the Short URL from Long URL.

Shortest Path Calculator

Calculates the shortest path between the two nodes.

Simple Interest Calculator

Calculates the simple interest.

Sleep Calculator

Calculates the amount of sleep required based on age and activity level.

Sleep Cycle Calculator

Calculates optimal bedtimes based on desired wake-up time and the scientific 90-min sleep cycles.

Slope Calculator

Calculates the slope of the line.

Smith Number Calculator

Calculator that determines whether a given number is a Smith number or not.

Solar Power Saving Calculator

Calculates the amount one can save on electricity by installing solar panels.

Speed Calculator

This tool allows users to convert speeds between different units.

Square And Cube Calculator

Calculates square and cube of a number.

Square Root Calculator

Calculates the square root of a number instantly.

Statistics Calculator

Calculates Maximum, minimum, mean, median, mode, etc.

Stress Strain Calculator

Computes stress and strain using force, area, and length inputs.

String To Integer Calculator

Converts the provided string to integer or decimal value.

Sunrise Sunset Calculator

Calculates approximate about when the sun will rise and set at that particular point on the Earth's surface.

Systematic Investment Plan Calculator

Calculator that gives an idea of the returns on their mutual fund investments made through SIP.

Taxi Fare Calculator

Calculates the cost of taxi ride based on distance, base fare and time.

Taylor Series Calculator

Calculates the Taylor Series expansion of a mathematical function.

Temperature Calculator

Calculates the Temperature conversion between two specified units.

Thala For A Reason Calculator

Whatever number you give it will return 7.

Time Calculator

Calculates Hours, Minutes, Seconds for any entered time.

Time Complexity Calculator

Calculates the time complexity of given programs by the user.

Time Zone Calculator

Instantly find the time difference anywhere in the world.

Tip Calculator

Calculates the tip amount and final amount based on tip percentage and amount.

Torque Calculator

Calculates the torque based on force, distance, and angle entered.

Triangle Calculator

Calculates the different results of a triangle based on input sides.

Trigonometric Calculator

Calculates trigonometric functions and inverses.

Trigonometric Function Graphing Calculator

Provides the graph as per the given function like sin, cos, tan, etc.

Twin Prime Number Calculator

Calculates the pair of prime numbers that have a difference of 2.

Typing Speed Calculator

Calculates the typing speed in two different units.

Ugly Number Calculator

Checks if a number is ugly number or not.

Unit Calculator

Converts values between different units of measurement.

Vector Calculator

Calculates the resultant vector, dot product and angle between 2 vectors.

Velocity Acceleration Calculator

Calculates the velocity and acceleration by taking distance and time.

Vowel Consonant Calculator

Calculates number of vowels and consonants in a given paragraph.

Water Intake Calculator

Calculate daily water intake based on weight, activity, and weather.

Water TDS Calculator

Calculates the TDS of the given water sample.

Weather Calculator

Calculates wind chill factor, dew point, heat index, reports human thermal comfort and converts temperature.

Website Bandwidth Calculator

Calculates the bandwidth of a website based on some factors.

Weight Calculator

Calculates the weight between different units.

Word Count Calculator

Counts the Total Words, Unique words, Average word length and Exports the data in JSON.

Yarn Density Calculator

Calculates the linear density of the yarn from unit system to another.

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